Does anyone know where I may find a patched firmware to make my 1650 region free? I'm aware of the software mods that make the drive seem region free, but I'd like to know if there's a firmware patch only. Thanks!
Try this one: Here is a little about it:
Let me tell a little bit about my situation: Everything that I burn on my Benq 1650 (TYG02 media), I try to play on my Panasonic DMR-80H DVD Recorder it replies "This disc will not play in this region". It works fine on my Memorex player. I have tried encoding with DVD Shrink (region-free AND setting it to region 1 only), but still comes back with the region error on my Panasonic. Everything works great when I use my trusty NEC 3550. I've tried all firmwares, no difference. Anyone have any ideas?? Thanks
Well, I tried burning some +R's setting it to DVD-ROM and WHA-LA! plays great! Maybe the Benq don't like the -R's?? Oh, well...ALWAYS learning !
i use a mix of -R and +R on my Benq's and any burners before the Benq's. i have used (and have shedloads to use) TYG02 on all my burners, the Benq's love these discs as did any previous burners (may they rest in peace). Are you sure the TYG02 are authentic TY discs ?, as a lot of fake & lesser quality discs use the TYG02 code
I think it's probably just the player. I have the Panasonic DMR-E80H DVD recorder and I also have a Memorex DVD player. The Memorex plays absolutely anything. I'm guessing it's the player. I'm gonna play around with some other burning programs and see what happens...
My prob isn't with +R's, but rather -R's. I STILL keep getting "will not play in this region" error message on the Panny when burnt with the Benq. I may try some different -R discs. Will keep everyone posted...stay tuned!!
The 1650 is suppose to booktype the plus format to dvd-rom right out of the box. Unfortunanty,some of them wouldn't until using qsuite.You shouldn't need the firmware patch. I'll attest to stand alone player compatability and BenQ backkups.Booktyping the plus format to dvd-rom will give you a 95%+ compatability. The dash format from BenQ drives do give more no disc errors on stand alone players. When it comes to stand alone players,some of those no disc errors will be displayed as: No Disc Dirty disc Wrong region Wrong format. My bro has a sherwood player that gives wrong region errors on my dash backups.A few ps2's would give a dirty disc error. All pertaining to a format issue. That no disc error can also be caused by poor media. Always use quality media.It'll prevent a lot of playback issues.Also note,stand alone players can tell a difference between different burners. What format works for 1 burner,may not work on another.It's all about compatability,and stand alones can pick them apart. That can also be the case. Stand alone players can be sensitive to different burn engines. Nero gives me the best playback results. Dvd decrypter's burn engine does give me a few issues.Some burn programs can clash-example: Nero and Roxio. slnixon: You've got a quality drive there. One thing about these benqs,if using quality media,don't burn below 4x on them. These drives perform better at 8x and above using taiyo yuden,maxell hitachi,ritek,and verbatim media.Those verbatim were designed to be burned faster,unlike lower quality 16x media. Stick with the plus format,booktype them to dvd-rom and you'll have less worry about finding a stand alone player that won't play them.I still have yet to find a player that would play my dash backups,but not my booktyped backups.
Hey, thanks man!! I have searched for DAYS looking for this info!! Hopefully this will help others too! You're #1!!