I have two machines; one with a BenQ1655 (home), and one with an NEC 3550A (work). The NEC has the capability of burning Verbatim DL (MKM001) at 8x although I never go above 4x. Normally I use 2.4x and just let it go. The BenQ 1655 is hawked at 8x max, but the best I’ve ever been able to get is 2.4x. My firmware is BCIB, flashed from BCHB. Now, I’ve run across a program called MCSE which instructs to gather the BCDB firmware and modify it, then apply it. This is supposed to rewrite the instructions for the BenQ 1655 to allow up to 8x burns on Verb MKM001 DL media. Two-fold question here: Does this hack really work? And second, can’t I modify the BCIB the same way with satisfactory results? I’ve tried the suite that comes with the BenQ drive and it simply does not work; period. Burning programs I use are Roxio (mostly), Nero (only sometimes), and now I’ve begun to use Clone DVD. No matter, 2.4x is the best I’ve been able to do with DL on the BenQ. Any and all suggestions and recommendations are welcome. Thanks, friends!
Why would you want do? Even if it works you are likely to get a lower-quality burn. It's like putting Nitro in a Yugo.
Not that I'd want to all the time, but I do like to bump up to 4x every now and again. I was mainly curious is all. After all, I do have the NEC that'll do it. More curiosity than anything else since it's advertised as 8x max on compatible DLs. But thanks for the logic of lower quality burns. Just one of those moments that makes an otherwise sensible man go "Hhhmmm....." ;-)