I was scanning the site and noticed different posts about the latest firmware. However, I have a question.. and that question is.. ..is BCIB the latest firmware for the drive? If not, then what is it? Also, is it better to crossflash the drive to 1650? and if so how is that done? There were different answers about the latest firmware and yet some answers were that the latest wasn't official but beta, and others were that BCIB was official but only in china. So I am just a little confused. As of right now I have BCHB..is it time to upgrade it?
as to whether to update or not, see the answers in the other threads; f you're burning ok currently, stay as you are, or you could update if you wanted; BCIB is the latest at the moment, i'm using it on my 2 DW1650's but i personally haven't had any real issues with any version of the firmware..
Just a question...why do you want to cross flash to a 1650 when you have a 1655? That is like, downgrading your drive.. lol The 1655 supports Lightscribe whereas the 1650 doesn't...
definitely don't want to downgrade. Just want to make sure that my drive is the best that it can be right now. Another reason was that I was getting invalid syntax errors when doing a CD-DVD nero speed test with the disc quality scan set to maximum. I didn't know if the drive needed to be updated. And those errors were happening with the verbs ±r
Thats is a Nero error. A new verison of Cd speed has been released with BenQ drive fixes. Get it here... http://www.afterdawn.com/software/cdr_software/cdr_tools/nero_cd_speed.cfm That should sort out your error.