The title says it all. I've mentioned it a couple times in some threads awhile ago and hoping maybe posting here will actually result in something positive. Now, allow me to explain my case and how things are set-up just to prevent any suggestions that aren't needed. As the title states, my drive won't record at the maximum rated speeds for damn near all recordable cdrs i've put in it. So far, only two disc brands (not manufacturers) have worked. One is MIJ (TY) Fuji CDRs rated and burn at 48x and the other are CMC Memorex (spare me the comments, please.) CDRs which also are rated and burn at 48x. Below are the discs that do not burn at the rated speed. The rating is first and the actual burn speed in my drive is last: Maxell (MIJ/TY) 48x = 24x <=-- wtf?! Sony (MIT/Sony) 52x = 32x Dynex (MIT/CMC) 52x = 32x Verbatim (MIT/Prodisc) 52x = 16x <=--wtf again?! Alright, now.. Yes. I'm DMA'ed Yes. My 1640's firmware is up-to-date Yes. Nero (6 and 7), DiscJuggler, CloneCD, and Alcohol %120 are all up-to-date. Yes. I know most of you don't burn at max speed and I choose to. Yes. I'm defragged. Yes. I run with no programs in the background. Yes. I've checked the discs in cd-writers (samsung and sony) to make sure the discs themselves aren't bad and both writers will burn the discs at their rated speed. So, with all that said: Is the DW1640 just a jerk when it comes to CD-Rs? thanks, john
YES I'm one of the biggest BenQ fans on this site, but I use a Plextor PX712a to burn CDs ... I have both a DW1640 and a flashed DW1655 ... neither one seems to like doing the CD work very much .. I accept this since BENQ MAKES THE BEST DVD BURNERS ...
thanks alot, catfreak. Now, I just have to figure out the best way to add an internal cd-writer to my setup without losing both HDDs and opticals... HRMMM.. I guess I could always use an external enclosure. Or, install the cd-writer in one of the computers I have in my home network.