i know model is important but just for brand sake which do you think is the best and most universal or compatible..DVD burner internal NEC...SAMSUNG....liteon...???
Compatable/Internal: If you want to take your backups and play them anywhere,definitely the BenQ 1620 and 1640. The ability to alter the plus format into dvd-rom-also know as bitsetting/booktyping-Your backups will have a higher percentage of compatability on stand alone players/game consoles/and pc drives. I know what they can do,and there is very little that they can't do.I got 2 of the 1620s,and 1 1640 with over 99% success rate and 95%+ stand alone compatability rate of my booktyped backkups. I haven't found any media in the plus format that they don't like: AML/Moser bauer/cmags-all burn ok. More issues are on the dash format,so I don't even have to bother with that format. Lite-on/LG/some sony/plextor are also booktyping capable. NEC/pioneer are not without special hacked firmware,but still excellent drives. All drives I listed are quality drives,beware of anything else.
BenQ and Nec have both been good drives for me.I have 4 BenQ 1640'S,4 Nec 3520's,2 Nec 3540's and my first drive A Nec 3500 all still going with no problems.