Ok i basically added these two items to my shopping cart: http://www.focalprice.com/detail_GN208X.html http://www.focalprice.com/detail_MF093B.html] are these good products to start off with? also im not sure but the MicroSD says it comes with an adaptor but i dont see one in the pic? anyone use this site before buying this product?
Search for the M3i Zero, those are the best simplest.. http://www.gamezway.com/m3i-zero-sakura-for-dsi-from-m3-team_p16873.html
ok my friend has asked me to get him 2 cards for hes daughters dsi's,now after reading through posts the same issue's seems to be popping up again and again which seems to be the r4i or a similar nammed card,there was an issue with the acekard 2i and the firware update 1.4 i take it this has been resolved?what in most peoples opinion is the best hassle free card with good support?