I'm looking for the best 3rd party defragger out there since I was told that the XP defragger is'nt up-to-par. Anyone have any suggustions? Thanks all!
i use Executive Software's Diskeeper~ works quickly and silently in the background, i can multitask easily when it is running, i defrag my hard drive at least once a day since i make so many backups on dvd~ it's very good and works wonders for me personally~ good luck
the xp version works fine but the problem is it doest let you multi task like almost every other microsoft product, they should make a lite version.
have you ever tried removing this b*****d?? its a good app'dont get me wrong,and i use it,but you try and remove it from add/remove app's maybe its just me hehe
hursty, when you install Diskeeper, it overrides the XP lite version. That may be why you can't uninstall it. I don't know. I have never tried to uninstall. One great feature of the full version of Diskeeper is the Boot time defrag. I use that once a month to get the page files in proper order.
I use Raxco Perfectdisk, very nice indeed and very quick. http://www.raxco.com/products/perfectdisk2k/
what is the point of actualy Defragging? i know it sorts files the way they should be... does that stop errors and help with the speed of gathering and placing files? Thanks again all!
@ integraol, when you save a file on you hD the pc splits it up into tiny peices next to each other, after a while you save many files, and when you delete on on the middle there is an empty space left un used, so when you save some thing else, the pc will use up the empty deleted spac and place the rest all the way at the open end, then when you go and open the split up file, it will take your pc a longer time to retrieve them, defragging makes the harddrive get files quicker and adds a few gigs to you HDD if its really defreagged, becuase small spaces dont always get used and end up getting left unused and those spaces add up to a big number, hope that helps.
I don't understand why the multitasking during defrag is an issue,? Defragmentation is something only needed to be done once a month for maintenance anyway, unless you do alot of installing/uninstalling so why not just save your money and do it when system is idle, oh well, just my opinion...
@grandpaBW,you are right it does take over xp,i have tried deleting it before,it takes over your pc. when you go to use xp version of defrag,its not an option, disk keeper has not been removed,and all you get is a message telling you to activate disk keeper again. i wasnt that bothered about removing it completely,i was just going to test another app,so i kept on using it i guess you have to delete it from the registry,..but i didnt get that far
I just installed Diskeeper... did an analisis of my main drive (C) and it says "Warning! The computer's reliability is degraded" because it's 42% fragmentation. I'm assuming i will see a change in it once it's finished. lol
60g on that perticular drive. my other drives are only slightly fragged... but of course i dont really move or replace any of the files on the other drives.
Hursty, the reason that you can't intstall the XP version of the defrag program, is because it is an intregal part of XP. If you install Diskeeper 7,8, or 9, XP knows that it is the full version of Executive Software's lite version, so it overwrites the XP lite version. If you uninstall the full version, your computer will revert back to the version included with XP. If you install another software that has a defrag system, such as Norton SystemWorks, it will not overwrite XP's defrag system.
i did do a full unistall,but there was no way i could retrieve defrag with xp,its just not there. maybe i missed something,not sure, but give it a go.. everytime i did a full unistall,and rebooted,clicked on defrag xp,it just asked to re-install,at which point disk-keeper reared its head
Got to go with perfect disk as someone said quick reliable diskeeper can be a right pain in the a**e for some people anyway, I hate the bloody program. Just my opinion