I am sick of my dvd burner skipping and I am willing to spend some money on a new one. Can some one tell me a good dvd burner that is cheap and doesn't skip. Thanks.
How old is your system? I'm having the same problem. I upgraded to a BENQ DW1655 from newegg.com and it still skipped. From what I've researched the DW1650 and the DW1655 are solid burners as long as you are using quality media. We've troubleshooted my issue down to the IDE cable being bad. I'm replacing it tonight and hopefully that works. You may want to try another cable if you have an extra one first and see if that works but the DW1650/1655 will suit you very well. Hope this helps.
BenQ On sale now at $32.99 + shipping: http://www.meritline.com/benq-dw-1650-16x-dvd-burner.html Lite-On $33.99 w free shipping: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827106014 I prefer the first one, but either represents a great bargin.
Hi! I have a NEC 3550A that I bought at NewEgg and it works very well. I also use CDFreaks forum and they have some great firmware updates for NEC's, I can use any media, but I choose Media from Japan, because it's the best. I also bought an NEC 3550A for my Brother in Law and he has had zero problems. Good Luck..