whats the best dvd creator software, that i can make menus and chapters and stuff.Also whats the best video maker software with some nice video transitions, other words a professional look to it.
That depends on how much you want to spend. Sony Vegas will do it all, few hundred bucks. "Best" is relative to your pocketbook. Ulead, Pinnacle are some to look into. Different versions dif prices. Hope this helps.
what about adobe softwares? yea im willing to spent waht ever, how bout ulead what are some program names?thanks
what about making ipod commercial look to it?where the people are black and the background is blue or sumtin, thanks
That I'm not sure it comes with but there are plug ins for it I'll bet. $$ ???? You hardly ever hear people having trouble with it unlike pinnacle and some of the others. I'm saving my money to make the big purchase, can't wait.