hello, im looking to upgraded my 140gb hardrive to 250gb i am also thinking of getting the samsung drive as its the best, i just wonderd if any1 knew which was the best drive for the xbox, e.g samsung, western digital, maxtor, seagate, any help would be greatfull, chears.
Best HDD would be Western Digital or Seagate with 8MB cache and 7200RPM. www.pricewatch.com is a good site to buy em.
Whatever is on sale - here's a good place to check - http://www.dealdatabase.com/forum/showthread.php?t=47521
Hey i've been looking at the spider solderless modchip v1.1 and a programmer. Whats so special about a programmer. Should i just get the chip w/o the programmer. Or should i forget the spider alltogether and get a duox2 modchip. I have a v1.4 xbox