Hey all, I just got a Qoob Pro, and was wondering the best mini-dvds for success rate of burning games and playing them. Which are the best? I know there USED to be a list on here that I found to be an external link, I found the link but it was taken down. So I tried doing some research first. how about these: http://www.circuitcity.com/ccd/prod...vision.session.new=Yes&ct=0&BV_UseBVCookie=No Thanks! George
I use Ritek 4x mini dvd. They work great. There probably better than those memorex ones. Plus your getting ripped off on price. A 5 pack for $16. You can get a 20 pack of ritek for $12.80. So I would go with the ritek. Meritline is a good site to buy them from. http://www.meritline.com/ritek-mini-dvd-r-media-4x.html
The best discs to use I think are probably the Sony mini dvd discs,but they are pretty high in price.The most affordable mini dvd discs you can use are the Ritek like CLiPsEmX mentioned.Memorex is pretty good also,but you have to watch out for fakes.It happens sometimes you get a brand,and the media code is different.
Only if you have a Viper Case mod, you should buy these. They work perfectly on mine where other dvd's have failed. http://store.compuside.com/dvdmrpiod4x100.html
Yeah there is no doubt you will get less disc read errors or none at all with regular dvd-r's. If you want to take that approach and get a case mod.
so are Ritek 4x mini good for GCOS 1.4??? also im not using any modchips coz im ova using full size DVD images and nothing happens in GCOS