Anyone got any recommendations? Have always used DC++, good for downloading entire folders/albums but have noticed it going very slowly just recently... Looking mainly for music. Thanks in advance.
soulseek is an excellent P2P only does music. I can usually find just about anything there. For whole albums, especially new ones, bittorrents is another great option, along with IRC.
Thanks mate, nice one, will give it a go tonight. Anyone ever used Got an album off there last night and it was very good but not sure about the threat of prosecution etc.
Hello Sash, I'm using allofmp3 now for 6 months and love it. I'm not worried about their investigation by the Russian gov't. Sharing mp3 files in Russia is legal and I don't really care. The bother is paying a buck a song to anyone. If they weren't so bloody greedy then hey, no problem. The only thing is that Visa isn't accepted and I've had to buy Some Euro debit cards. But no worries, it's a snap. Good luck, Edward