hi, i was wondering what the best programs would be for making dual layer dvds backups. i want the best quality cause i'll be watching them on a 60" hdtv w/ an upconverting dvd player. any info would help me out. thanks
@ josho123, hey, do u mean making your backups on a DL disk? or SL disk? Do u want to pay for the programs or use Free programs? DVDFabDecrypter(Free), DVD shrink(Free), Dvd decrypter(Free) ImgBurn(free), anyDVD(Pay for) Do u care how long the process takes? DVD-rebuilder-(Pay for) gives best quality picture but takes longer There are many programs that u can use. BTW this is what i use and they all have great picture when watching on a 56"HDtv, HDMI hookup, with an upconverting DVD player 1.DVDFab decrypter(free)2 rip 2 HDD 2.VobBlanker(free) to fix structual prob(Not always needed) 3.DVD shrink(free)2 transcode or Nero Recode(Not free) 4.ImgBurn(Free)2 burn or nero burning rom(Not free)
thanks for the help. yeah i meanmaking backups on dl disks. perferably free but i wont hesitate to pay a lil bit for something. i just want to make a graet copyof them. thanks again
josho123 , Welcome to the forum. There are only 3 program out there that I know of that can do a DL disk properly. They are PgcEdit, DVDDecrypter and CloneCD. They make a image of the DVD so you can burn an exact copy. For the best quality you will use no compression which is why you are using DL disks. The programs you can use Are: 1. DVDDecrypter( Might need AnyDVD help on the newer DVD's- so DVDD needs to be set up properly to do the rip) and then you could use DVD Decrypter or Imgburn to do the burn of the iso image file . This program is free- AnyDVD is not 2. PgcEdit: Guide on how to do the burn: http://www.digital-digest.com/~blutach/dl_burn_guide2/dl_burning_with_pgcedit_v2.htm This program is free 3. CloneCD: http://www.slysoft.com/en/clonecd.html This program costs $
@ car.mike hehehe,i can honestly say i have never burnt a dual layer dvd (to expensive for me), anyways, doesnt dvd decrypter have problems with the layer break,?...i remember herbsman talking on mirc a week or so ago,where he wasted a disk because of this. if not,are there any settings that need to be made?
hursty, I have never had a problem doing a D/L w/ DVDD and I have used it on about 50 D/L's. The settings for DVDD using AnyDVD are as follows and comes from Slysoft: To use DVDDecrypter with AnyDVD set I/O Model to SPTI or ElbyCDIO. Set CSS Cracking method to none. Disable checking for structure protection. DVDD does the same as CloneCD in that it takes the image and lays it back down like the original although you can if you want to tell the program where to put the layer break flag. Started using PgcEdit for D/L about 2 months ago using Blutach's guide: http://www.digital digest.com/~blutach/dl_burn_guide2/dl_burning_with_pgcedit_v2.htm I remember Herbsman's discussion and have no idea why he had a problem doing a d/l I also remember the 1st time I did a D/L DVD and the Verbatim's were about $4.00 each. Boy was I scared as I did not want to waste the $$ on a coaster but it came out real well w/ the PI/PO scan excellent