Just wondering what speeds other ppl use to burn svcds at? I have a 12x max burner which I usually burn svcds at 12x.. Now the svcds playback almost flawlessly in puter using WinDVD/nvidiaDVD but my standalone dvdplayer has a tendency to mess up playing back the discs.. audio lags behind video, moovie gets all scrambled towards end of the disc gets that blocky blurred look. so I figuring maybe its cause I burning at too high a rate? any suggestions? On a sidenote,, I occassional have to overburn the svcds to fit onto a 800 meg cdr
I use to burn and top speed all the time but know i can only burn at the lowest speed, so i would stick to 1x or something like that!!
Get yourself a faster burnner then drop it to about 46x and you shouldn't have a prob. If it supports buffer-under/over run then you can burn at the max! Burn baby burn!
I have a couple of discs that were burned on a 20x burner and they are sh|t! towards the end of every moovie on those discs, the moovie goes to hell.. freezes, video gets all blocky blurred and forget the audio.. discs are useless pretty much.. think I'll go with burning at 8 or 4x for now till I get a dvdburner.. having 2 or 3 cds for a svcd gets irrating when can have moovie on 1 dvd-r lol
LOL....yeah i would recomend a dvd-burner they are so much better!! and no changing disks just as the film gets good!!
switching discs sucks.. especially since most of the groups always seem to split a moovie right as the moovie is getting good and manage to loss a minute or so worth of the moovie.. Irrating sometymes.. a buddy of mine just burned me 3 dvdrs.. all 3 have 3 moovies apiece of em.. svcd moovies I believe were the original format.. I want a dvdburner damnit.. Im jealous lol