If i can ask can anybody tell me which is the best music file format for making an audio cd for a cd player ?
When you say "CD player" do you mean a Music CD player for a stereo or do you mean something that can play Mp3s, WMAs, OGGs, ect...? If your tying to make a music CD that will work in any drive the answer is to let your burning software create an audio CD. Audio CDs contain tracks of uncompressed PCM audio (not WAVE files!). If your CD player can play diffrent compression fomats then the best option is Mp3 since it has the most hardware support. Ced
I mean like an mp3 player or dvd player i want to know which audio format will give me the best sound output eg ,mp3 or mp4 , mp3pro etc .... and i want to ask something else out of topic ! Which is the best software to join mp3`s or audio files so that there is now space between them , like when i join 2 mp3`s together they should be shown as one track ?
Personally, if your player can decode Mp4 I would recommend Mp4 but if not then go with Mp3. mp3PRO sucks. If you must use a high quality low bit rate codec, like mp3PRO, check out AACplus. What is aacPlus... http://www.codingtechnologies.com/products/aacPlus.htm Ced
Thanks a lot bra , another thing which is the best software to use for converting mp3 to mp4 and which software can i use for converting mp3 ti AACplus ? Right now i have converted all my song to mp3pro on my phone well am happy with it couse they take a little space but if aacplus sound better the mp3pro i would use it lol !
@iani If youahave the actual cd obvisouly just do a 1:1 copy, otherwise the best option for a music file format would have to be a lossless format. And for burning I would have to say use whatever software you have choose the option to make an audio cd. I would assume the software would create the cd in such a way that it would work for you. The best option @undine This is a common misconcepion. .wav is a uncompressed copy of the original music.
@ iani_2006, To listen to aacPlus file your phone must first be able to decode AAC files. Then extra software is needed to be able to decode the extra extentions to the AAC file (or the Plus part). aacPlus is also known as HE-AAC! The best software to use is dBpowerAMP... http://www.dbpoweramp.com/ Install and use this LAME Mp3 (CLI) encoder plug-in since the built-in Mp3 engine has a 14 day trial limit... http://www.dbpoweramp.com/codec-central-mp3-lame.htm If you are ripping the audio from a CD then EAC would be the best option for that... http://www.exactaudiocopy.de/ I would rip the audio from a CD to the WAVE format. Then convert the WAVE file to aacPlus (A.K.A. HE-AAC) using dBpowerAMP. If you would like to listen to some stuff incoded in aacPlus, here are a couple of my favorite internet radio stations from tuner2 (http://www.tuner2.com/)... Groove Salad... http://www.tuner2.com/tuner/listen.pls?id=2 Secret Agent... http://www.tuner2.com/tuner/listen.pls?id=169 These links work with Winamp or VLC media player (recommended). Both stations are broadcasting at 48 Kbps. To me it sounds as good as Mp3 at 128 or a little higher. @ PeaInAPod, WAVE is Microsofts container format for audio streams wiether the stream be compress or uncompressed. A WAVE container can virtually hold any audio format but has only been used with uncompressed PCM and Mp3 (in a limited fashion). What is the WAVE format... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WAV Ced
if i were to change my mp3's to another format, which one would you reccomend. i want to preserve the quality as much as i can, but shrink the bitrates as much as i can aswell. right now, all of my mp3's are 128kbps. oh yeah, it would be preferable if it were a psp compliant format.