I was just wondering what is believed to be the best and easiest video editing program for windows, i want to get into video editing, but need something basic to start with, but still be able to do lots of effects, any help is appreciated
First of all please remove your email adress from your post! Some basic prorams are Windows movie maker WinDVD creator 2 Pinnacle 10 Some more advanced ones include Ulead Sony Vegas Adobe premier pro There are also many more out there so look around on google and good luck with your video editing
Windows Movie Maker 2 then when you decide you want multiple "non-linear" multi audio/video options and some "fresh" FX edits..move up to Ulead, or Pinnacle, then jump into Adobe with the whole family it's the top of the line..AfterEFFects, Encore, Photoshop..they will all give you unlimited creative...course you'll need a new HD camera, MediaStation Editing Pc workstation, new dig camera for stills, audio equipment and let's not forget Wacom graphics tablet and pen.