I have two xvid avi files (two parts to a movie) that I'd like to combine into one dvd. Is it better to use nerovision and have it auto shrink the files to fit the media or have it just burn to the hard disk at its full size and use nero recode to get it down to size and then use nero burning rom to burn it. It seems to me like its all the same but then again, the first time I did it the first way and the dvd burned with the sound completely off and the dvd played in practically slow motion.
Hi lesstjake I use Vision for this. Add both parts of the movie then highlight both and click on the merge button (middle button on the bottom right hand corner). I have had any problem w/ audio or the video being off. Check the avi's to make sure there ok in Showtime - ok there then should be good w/ Vision.
Right but I mean, one huge file is the same thing as two small files but what I'm saying is, should I burn it at full size and use recode to compress it down to dvd size or should I let nerovision just take care of it for me?
I'd let Vision do it. Just my experience but combining the 2 avi's, say total size around 1.4 gig, Vision is still able to fit it to the disc w/ good quality. If the audio and video is going off it more than likely is happening in Vision - Recode won't correct that problem. Save to the hard drive instead of burning to disc (will still keep the size to fit a dvd-5) - check the files from the hard drive and if all ok use burning rom or express to burn the video_ts folder. Which version of nero are you using? edit: I see from one of your logs you posted you're using - update to the latest one
Videos play fine in Media player classic. I'll try going to hard drive first and using burning rom, and let nerovision just do its thing. Btw, any thoughts on ffdshow? I don't really know anything about it but i installed it recently and its icon pops up in the taskbar whenever nero transcodes something.
Well I tried combining them with Nero and I still had the same problems so it wasn't the burn process that screwed it up. This time I merged the files before hand in Vdub and I'll try and convert them to dvd in nero but I don't understand why it didn't work. Cud it have something to do with ffdshow?
I don't it has anything to do w/ ffdshow. It's the codec pack I use also. Even though other players play the files fine - I test the files w/ Showtime also - cause if they're off there then will more than likely be off w/ Vision. Update your Nero to the latest version of 7 - the audio sync bit being off plaqued Vision for quite awhile. finally fixed it for me.
I left it transcoding while I was in class and it seemed to finish the transcoding (that part of the progress bar was complete) but it was still doing something because it wasn't burning to hard drive, looked like it was just sitting there counting time. I'll try updated Nero. I don't have nero showtime installed but I suppose I should install it.
If it's just sitting there then yeah I'd stop it. Usually after it done transcoding it takes maybe a few minutes to write to the hard drive. Check and see if it did save the files- you never know Do the update too - hopefully that will solve some of these issues.
I tried one more shot while I was in class of not having nerovision do any compression, I let it leave it at best quality so it made like an 8.5 gb file which still was out of sync with audio and video. I'll try updating next or I'll try using a nother program...
hjsplit may join them but I still think w/ this version of Nero you would have an audio sync issue. VirtulDub will also join but same deal. Try the update. If that doesn't do it then try this free program - divxtodvd. It's the lil bro of CovertX. You can use Nero Burning Rom or Express to burn the files - divx doesn't have a burn engine.
Updating will hopefully do the trick on the audio sync bit - did for me. Yeah there are quite a few out there that will convert. imho Nero and ConvertX or DivXtoDVD are the better ones.