Best way to...

Discussion in 'Other video questions' started by stolen009, Oct 18, 2002.

  1. stolen009

    stolen009 Guest

    Im a newbie and have a question or two...

    I plan on backing up DVDs to CDRS. What is the best quality I can get ? I have done the VCD, which doesnt look bad at all. Is SVCD that much better ? And Can you get even better quality from a DVD burner ? I prefer CDRs, but would buy a DVD burner if it was worth it.

  2. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    SVCD done properly is almost dvd quality!!! If your backing up to play on the computer, try divx + learning how to back up to dvd-r would be much higher quality again!
  3. stolen009

    stolen009 Guest

    Thanks for your help...

    A few more questions...

    What format do you "back up" DVDs to DVDRs with ? And is it that much better then SVCD ?

    I plan on backing up so I can play on my DVD player for the TV. Is DIVX the best way to keep a copy on the harddrive ?
  4. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    DivX is the best if you are keeping them on the computer because it supplys amazing quality at low birates!

    When backing up to a dvd-r, you backup to dvd. See you need to drop the bitrates in order for a dvd to fit on a dvd-r, you must make some space.

    SVCD is the best if you really don't want to get into dvd-r (its quite hard!!) because its easy to create and is dvd like quality!! Soon we will have dvd stand alones that will play divx so its always a good idea to make 2 backups 1 to vcd/svcd and one to divx!
  5. stolen009

    stolen009 Guest

    Dela, I just sent you a message. NOT asking you a question or breaking the rules. I also just posted a new message for DRD... maybe you can help me out.. I am really confused... and promise to share any knowledge I get from this.

    Anyways, according to this you can play VOB files from a DVD on a home DVD player. That sounds really easy, and a VOB file is a perfect copy of a DVD, or very close atleast. So as I asked the DRD guy, is there something I am missing or can it be that easy ?

    I really appreciate your help.
  6. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Sorry to disappoint you but those .vob's from your disk will be about 1 gig each and will only contain about 20mins of video so that won't work. SVCD,VCD,DVD-R will work in your dvd player (well maybe, check the documentation you got with it!).

    P.S. dRD is the boss around here so if he doesn't get back to you it's probably because he's very busy! This place is getting very full lately!!
  7. stolen009

    stolen009 Guest

    Thanks again Dela, I really do appreciate the help.
  8. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    No problem, you seem a decent person (unlike a lot of people we try to help out and never get a thank you!). Anytime you need help!!!

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