Hey just got a quick question which burner is better, DVD decrpyter, or IMGburn. i wonder is there any updates for imgburn because i know there aren't any more for Decrpyter, just wondering.
they are one in the same the same company/guy who made decrypter also made imgburn; dvd decrytper just rips also just search for easy answers
Imgburn is the newer of the two utilities and is still being updated. I think it does better with the layor break for DL media.
I'm with Mort. Imgburn being newer and still recieving support would be my choice. DVD Decrypter still does an excellent job, but I want something that is still being updated to handle new media, new burners etc.
thanks for info Loco and Mort, kind of thought that Imgburn would be better then decrpyter because i burned a DL Verb with decrypter and it didn't come out that good, dam those prescious DLs are freakin expsensive discs and i'm not trying to have them as coasters. LOL
There are several things that could have made your DVD come out not so great other than the programs that you are using. Quality media, low burn speeds, no multitasking, updated firmware, etc. will make your burning experience much easier.
If you want to burn dl with Imgburn, may I suggest using PgcEdit to create the ISO file and set the layer break. You will be able to see where the layer break is going and sometimes you will have the option to put the layer break in other areas. You can preview where it is placed. Then burn with ImgBurn. You can even launch ImgBurn from within the program.
Hi! I use DVD FAB Decrypter, it is still updated and I have not found anything that it won't decrypt. Best yet it's free. Look in my Signature for link. After I decrypt and download to my HDD, I use DVDShrink and nero to burn, this is an excellent combo. It works everytime. Good Luck. I haven't had a problem with DL media. Thats another thing use best media possible, ie. Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden from Japan, you can find good prices at Supermediastore.com. I have found it with free shipping.