i have a xbox that i can watch avi files on, i have a movie in avi format and when i watch it i get alot of pixelation in the dark areas of the movie, my question is, Is there a program i can run that will give me better quality out of the avi thanks
The first question is: how is, that AVI? Because if the quality, even if the movies is viewed on a PC, is already bad you can't do anything.. You need to tell us: 1) the movie's duration (2h 10') 2) the AVI's resolution (e.g. 600x400) 3) the size of the file (= the AVI's average bitrate) 4) the codec (DivX,, Xvid , whatever) Becsue the problem of the AVI is that they are a lossy format. I could make a 300 MB AVI from a 2h movie choosing 720x576 resolution,but I can't expact a great result. You should at least use a 80' CD-R (700 MB) per hr of movie, to have a 'perfect' result. You can resuce the room needed either lowering the resolution or increasing the amount of 'quality' lost by the codec
another thing is that mpeg4, ecspecially ASP does that. cause dark areas are easy to compress. not so much with avc. a way to avoid it. is adding noise to it. like using blockbuster avisynth filter. or use higher bitrate