Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by banders, Feb 26, 2003.

  1. banders

    banders Member

    Feb 26, 2003
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    I purchased (4) AG-DVC15's over the last year and a half and one has already gone dead! The worse part is that , like most manufacturers the warranty is only 1 year, but why is a "Professional" camera only lasting for a little over a year???
    Panasonic has been LESS THAN CONCERNED and suggested that I buy the New DVX100, at which time I suggested my other option which was to buy JVC or canon. Just wanted to let others know about my experiences. I have 3 others and am afraid to use them. SInce this experience I have no more faith in Panasonic. You can go to Best Buy and buy a cheap piece of you know what and it will last longer than a year. Also, FYI-Panasonic has re-released the DVC15 under the name DVC7. The difference is that the DVC7 is NOT a 3ccd camera and does NOT have the XLR audio conections. Panasonic-What a RIP!
  2. xgasman

    xgasman Member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    Since you say you've bought four over the last year and a half, I'm guessing you do professional video, so you use them a lot. Looks like in your case it would have been a good idea to purchase the extended warranty, if one is available for prosumer models of video gear. Just your bad luck of the draw.

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