Big problem guys, with IP ports!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by theking01, Jun 29, 2004.

  1. theking01

    theking01 Member

    Feb 12, 2004
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    I do not know what happened, but on one of my computers running Win2000, I can't surf the Internet. What is worse is that nothing can get into my computer, in other words no info coming from either the Internet or other computers can get to my computer. I tried connecting my xbox to computer to acces the former, but it just does'nt go. Worst of all, looks like there's a big problem because I ran scandisk, shut down the firewall and scanned my HD for viruses, and found no problem and still can't connect to Internet or Xbox. I am sharing my internet connection through a router with my other comp. but the other one is working OK. It's Like all my PORTS are CLOSED!!!!!!!!

    Can somebody help me, or have any ideas how to open ports or see if they are locked or not, because if not then I would have to format my computer and that's not a fun thing to do.

    So help would be appreciated.


    P.S. I even ran netstat in DOS command window, and it looks like ther's only one open port : 1025.
  2. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    Sorry to recap, but I want to see if I understand your problem.

    You have Win2000 on one computer and it can't access the internet. Your have an other computer in the same router and it can access the internet.
    Do you have the same firewall software on both computers? Maybe try fully turning off all firewalls and see if it works. (the software one and the embedded one with Win200 in the Network properties menu).

    What model router? Have you done anything new to this computer or the router? As in a firware upgrade on your router.
    You could also try pressing the reset button on the router if something got set, this will return it to facotory settings.

    Let us know if there is any thing new, or if you can remember what might have changed from one state to the next.
  3. theking01

    theking01 Member

    Feb 12, 2004
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    Look, I do not think the problem is with the router, and no I did not do anything new to it. I even took out the cable connecting my Router to my problem computer, and then changed the address od my computer so that I can connect via a crossover cable to the Xbox with FLashFXP and for the first time in my life It could not connect because of an irregular error. So I think the problem is within the computer: hardware or software. As for the firewalls, both are the same on each computer and yes I did shut them off, and reinstalled them, and I even reinstalled my TCP/IP Protocol, and no change whatsoever.

    But the day, exactly a week ago, My Internet was working fine, and then I wento onto a Russian site to get a serial number for a program, an d then I wento to play a game and when I finsihed it after 2 hours, I could'nt access the Internet anymore.

    If that helps you in any way, please help me, because this is the wierdest thing that's happened to me in a long time.
  4. theking01

    theking01 Member

    Feb 12, 2004
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    To add also, I had an antivirus/firewall program form PC-Cillin and when I started my computer, and this is after I could'nt connect anymore to the Web, it gave me an error saying it could not establish a SOCKET for the port TCP 110, for recieving messages. The I uninstalled the program but my internet connection did not come back.
    And now that I've installed ZoneAlarm on the problem computer, when I try to connect to Internet via, for example, Mozilla Firefox, it says will youy let this program connect to the address, while on my other computer it will say the correct thing giving 192.168.something.something which is the real adress of my router from which I share the connection.

    As for th russian site, I even ran a Virus check with the new anti-virus upgrades, and it found nothing.

    So this is very, very bizzare.

    Plus I do not think the proble is with the router since the other computer is working fine.
  5. colw

    colw Active member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    In many ways viruses are less harmful and dangerous than many of the new variants of spyware that can hijack your computer and insert new entries into your system registry, Win System32 directory and start up programs.

    Often these spyware programs are not fully detected by anti-virus software.

    Are you or have you used programs such as Adaware or Spybot to check your system for spyware???

    Having spent three days tracking and removing spyware entries from a friends computer (one of the problems being lack of dail-up access and continuing disconnection) it may be advised to check for spyware on your system.

  6. theking01

    theking01 Member

    Feb 12, 2004
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    I did have a lot of spyware, and I destroyed it but no change. So I just formatted my computer, which was the last resort, and now everything is in order.

    Thanks for trying guys!
  7. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    Good to here it works. After you said the russian thing, I was going to tell you to format quickly. There are some really nasty programs that have been written there. One of my friends, found one that will erase the id tag on your hard drive. thus your computer no longer knows its a hard drive and its completely gone.
    I am glad you got yours up and runing again.

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