Thank you all for answers to my last post I have 2 bin and 2 cue files, I presume from cd1 and cd2. Ist of all this file type is not DVD quality is it? Second can I just drop the 2 cue files in nero and burn, AND do I burn as images...thanks for assistance. It sure doesn't take long...ed
As you have CD1 and CD2 sounds like the bin and cue files are for CDR and if they are a movie are probably mpg's. You can burn them in Nero by choosing Burn Image then selecting the .cue file. I use VCDGear to get around this so that it creates the mpg onto the HDD and there may be another way but don't think their is in Nero. I then use Nero Vidion Express and transcode the 2 mpg's to create the DVD format and then burn to DVD. Hope this helps
@ewddy48, just for future reference you do not have to start a new thread for each question if you already have one that is active.
as you already have the bin and cue files.Just use dvd decrypters iso iso write mode and then locate where the files are located on your hard drive.Put your disc in the drive and press the start button.Shortly your bin files will be burnt to disc. heres some other info that is relevant for you. (from the archives of Afterdawn) BIN/CUE images are CD-Images that come in both a .bin and .cue file. The .cue file just stores information on the bin file for the burning software. This CD Image type is one of the most used today and is very reliable. Try the Afterdawn BIN/CUE FAQ here. 1) What is a .BIN? What is a .CUE? What is an .ISO The .BIN / .CUE CD image format was made popular by the CDRWin software. Afterwards many programs have started supporting or partially supporting it, including: Nero, BlindWrite, CloneCD, FireBurner. The .CUE file contains the track layout information, while the .BIN file holds the actual data. .ISO is also a CD image format, but is sometimes used for 'ISO9660 format' (standard, recognized by all applications) and sometimes for unique Easy CD ISO format. 2) I have download .BIN&.CUE/.ISO files - what to do with them? You can burn them to a CD-R or a CD-RW with: -Alcohol 120% - My favourite, excellent software, easy and yet very advanced (burns ISO, BIN/CUE, CCD, CDI, BWT files!): - BlindWrite - easy to use: - FireBurner - also very good, a single .EXE file! - BurnAtOnce - A handy and FREE tool for burning .bin/.cue/.iso. Easy to use! - Nero - many of you have this, but it can't handle all image files: - CDRWin - This is the original BIN/CUE software: You can also mount image files as virtual CD-ROM drives using Alcohol - Daemon Tools - There are also several softwares you can use to exploit & manipulate BIN/CUE files in various ways: CDMage - IsoBuster - 3) I have a .BIN file but no .CUE? .CUE can be made with just Notepad. A typical Playstation(One or 2) .CUE file looks like this: FILE "image-name.BIN" BINARY TRACK 1 MODE2/2352 INDEX 1 00:00:00 A typical PC CD-ROM .CUE looks like this: FILE "image-name.BIN" BINARY TRACK 01 MODE1/2352 INDEX 01 00:00:00 "image-name.BIN" being the name of the image file (IWDII.BIN, CIV3.BIN and so on...) Notice the difference of the track mode - PC-ROMs being Mode 1, Playstations CDs Mode 2 and (Super)Video CDs are also MODE2/2352. 4) How do I make .BIN/.CUE files? CDRWin or the BIN/CUE format is not ideal for distributing. BlindWrite suite and CloneCD perform a lot better in this purpose and can also handle various copy protections. Both of these softwares can also create .CUE files for increased compatibility 5) I have a .BIN & .CUE, but my CD writing software can't locate the .BIN file? Edit the .CUE file with Notepad (or similar) and verify that the FILE "C:\path\image.bin" matches the location of your image file 6) My image file is IMAGE.BIN.EXE and I can't rename it! Read here 7) Sector sizes of CD image files (by Aldaco12) When you talk about images must think on SECTORS not on DATA SIZE. The rules are: 1)A standard 74 min CD is made by 333,000 sectors. 2) Each sector is 2352 bytes big, and contains 2048 bytes of PC (MODE1)Data, 2336 bytes of PSX/VCD (MODE2) Data or 2352 bytes of AUDIO. 3) The difference between secor size and data content are the Headers info and the Error Correction Codes, that are big for Data (high precision required), small for VCD (standard for video) and none for audio. 4)If you extract data in RAW format (standard for creating images) you always extract 2352 bytes per sector, not 2048/2336/2352 bytes depending on data type (basically, you extract the whole sector). This fact has two main consequences: a) You can record data at very high speed (40x) without losing information, but if you try to do the same with PSX or Audio you get unredable CD (for PSX) od audio CD with lots of clicks because there are not error correction codes (and error are more likely to occur if you record at high speed. b) On a 74 min CD you can fit very large RAW images,up to 333,000 x 2352 = 783,216,000 bytes (747 Mb). This should be the upper limit for a RAW image created from a 74 min CD. Remember that if you store standard data (backup files), you can burn only 333,000 x 2048 = 681,984,000 bytes (the well known 650 MB limit). Please note that an image size is ALWAYS a multple of 2352 bytes (you extract SECTORS), if extracted in RAW mode. UPDATE 13.10.2002: Added FAQs 5 and 6 UPDATE 24.10.2002: Added BurnAtOnce UPDATE 28.10.2002: Added Alcohol 120% UPDATE 29.10.2002: Brief ISO comment UPDATE 17.01.2003: Added Aldaco12's sector size post. Cleaned the thread
"as you already have the bin and cue files.Just use dvd decrypters iso iso write mode and then locate where the files are located on your hard drive.Put your disc in the drive and press the start button.Shortly your bin files will be burnt to disc." As per quote above: are you saying I can burn the bin and que files using Decrypter and they burn to DVD? I have copied two movies that were bin and que using Nero on a cd-r but the quality on both is not very good, would it be better to use Decrypter? Will it burn to a DVD and be better quality? Thanks for the detailed reply...ed
as long as you have both the bin and cue file in the folder, dvd decrypter will burn your files whether you put a cdr or dvd r in the drive.If the files are under 700meg it will do cdr but if they are bigger use a dvdr. If the quality isnt the best change the formats you are downloading.Make sure you get divx quality as that is a much better file source and your overall viewing should be improved
I cannot get the cue file in Decrypter cause it doesn't recognize it, only the bin files go in. Also what mode do you choose?
you dont need to get the cue file into dvd decrypter,As long as you have the cue file in the same folder as the .bin file dvd decrypter will automatically do the job for you. At the top of the screen select mode, iso write. Point the program in the direction of the .bin file and after you have loaded your disc click on the arrow at the bottom and off you go.
Sorry to say...failure, put the cd in and it wouldn't play...not sure why did all you said...I think...ed I got the message that it had to be a cdrand not a dvd blank, used a dvd and it failed, I thought it would burn on a dvd.
just for the record,you cannot burn bin images with decrypter to a dvd disk secondly burning downloaded files in the format of bin images onto a cd disk will vary in success,depending on whether they are vcd's or svcd's a lot of dvd players will not read svcd's,thus this is why you need to extract the mpeg's from them and covert them to dvd format try this...(p.s let me know,if its showing "bandwidth exceeded error"...stupid ass photobucket regards
Following on from Hursty if the vcd/svcd is a bin/cue, then in general will fit onto a CDR. Bin/cue files can be movies as well as software data install discs. There are times when some people make the bin/cue of a vcd/svcd larger for example than 1GB so that there is one part and not two. However when it comes to burning the image will state that a DVD is required for the burn to be completed and is just a waste of a disc unless you use DVD-RW discs. This is mainly done so as to extract onto your HDD then recode it as DVD .vob format if you want to be able to view on any DVD player. The easiest way to extract the bin/cue for mpg, mpeg is to use a program called VCDGear which extracts straight to your HDD and is a free program available from and very easy to use. Using alternative ways to extract the bin/cue will not improve the quality in general as it all depends what quality the mpg is, in the 1st place. Regards b00k can load the bin images straight into nero vision express,one on top of each other.....never actually tried it myself,so i cant confirm whether or not it would be successful just open nero vision express,create dvd video,add files (open drop down menu first,and select "all files",) otherwise it wont recognise the bin images then add the bin images right in of top of each othere,remembering the correct order
hmmmmmmmmm, interesting. Always thought the image had to be extracted 1st as Vision Express requires a supported video file!!! Would be great if you could select the .cue and then the .bin image analysed and converted. Will have to try give it a go. Cheers