Hi i have dloaded a movie from the internet and its in bin/cue files i tried extracting the movie file from daemon in which i get a file called q***** or somrthing like that then i convert this file using vso then i use dvd shrink and dvd drcrypter to burn, after my dvd has been burnt and i play it back on my dvd player the sound is out by a couple of seconds, so i tried reburning the bin/cue files again with nero and the same thing happened, i would just like to point out that this just happens with bin/cue files as avi file work out ok. Can someone help with an idiots guide on how to resolve this, very much appreciated. Thanx in advance.
I just had a heck of a time to find the answer to making a DVD from a .cue and .bin file. The best I could find is use ISOBuster. Open IsoBuster File > Open Image File > select .cue file. Right click on the CD > Extract CD <Content> select Treat as Video ONLY, Extract but Filter only M2F2 MPEG video frames(*.mpg). I used vso to make a DVD from the .mpg file.