Hey guys just wanted to ask how do I extract a movie that is in a .bin file. I heared to use Isobuster is that right. I want to use divx to dvd so I can make my dvd. Am I on the right path is isobuster free.
Yes, Isobuster will do what you want and is free for what need. For some reason, the link isn't working but look for Isobuster under all guides> all tools at www.videohelp..com and you will find a guide.
Guys sorry im back so soon but what do Im lost i already have ISo buster but whats next. Do I extract it into an mpeg video and then use divx to dvd or an ISo file Im so lost. any help?
Go to:http://www.videohelp.com/ On the left side of that page under how to, select all guides. On the next page under search tools, select Isobuster and then select search. The guide you need is number 7 of 10. Wish that link would work. If you have any problems, post back and I'll give you the instructions.