Sup guys, I just wanted to know how you would update the bios. I was thinking that you ftp to your xbox go to the c:/ drive into the bios folder and paste the new bios over the old bios. Could that work? Also what does the bios updater do in evox? Does it search for the bios file of a cd? p.s: i would really appreciate it if somone could reply!
Does that really matter? p.s: i am getting ready to order a chip soon, im leaning towards the Xenium ICE or the Xecuter pro. However, if the X3 comes out i will definetly get that instead, but for now the Xenium ICE. p.p.s: i just have to wait for summer school to end, then i will order the chip after i do some consulting with my uncle who works at ATI Tech.
I have the Xenium chip and yes you can just FTP the new bios in the C folder. Then go to your Xbox and access the Xenium's OS. Then you can search for the new bios and flash your chip that way. No need to burn it onto a blank disc or anything.