Blade Quad - no channels after scan??

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by Mav1874, Aug 10, 2008.

  1. Mav1874

    Mav1874 Member

    Feb 20, 2007
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    Apologies for this but I am having some problems after quite a while of having a Dbox. I put Blade Quad on to it with Hallenberg and it went fine. I messed up the Bouquets but didnt think that would affect anything. Changed my Scan Area to Edinburgh but now when I try to scan it takes about 10 second (if that) before saying No channels found and I just get a constant blank screen. Tried different variations on the scan. Wondered what else I have messed up that I need to perhaps transfer to the box? Or is it more likely the box is completely knacked?

    Any help would be appreciated!!
  2. bigdunc

    bigdunc Regular member

    May 9, 2007
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    Seen this post a few times tonight
    reflash a differant image scan with that
    Then save your Service and bowk s
    Then Transfer them to var/tuxbox/config /zappit..................Laters
  3. Mav1874

    Mav1874 Member

    Feb 20, 2007
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    Cheers for coming back so quick, appreciated.

    Tried 2 other images. Blade Trinity and V++ put them on saved the Services and Bow ks even tried using old services and Bow ks but it still doesnt seem to go through a scan properly, the V++ almost seems to but again doesnt find any channels at all. Is my box completely knackered? It boots fine, takes any image fine, its just weird that it doesnt seem to go through the scan. Is there any other image I should try or anything I should transfer to the box?

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