blank cd is detected but its a dvd movie and playable in consumer dvd player

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by 50first, May 24, 2006.

  1. 50first

    50first Guest

    hi, need help i just bought a dvd movie i watch it using consumer dvd player and it just work fine, and i tried to put it on my HD to my surprise it says that i inserted a blank cd. i tough i just put a wrong cd but when i check it was the movie i wanted to put in my HD.

    is there any posibility that i can copy it? but when i explore the drive it was empty. i tried it again in dvd player and it work.

    need help anyone!!!

  2. 50first

    50first Guest

    may be u'll think iam crazy but i did bump into this dvd that when you inserted the dvd movie on dvd drive it was detected as blank cd. then i check another dvd movie and it was recognise as a dvd movie all the details blahhhh, any help?
  3. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    well..... sometimes it's the drive that won't recognize the disk..... what drive to you have? look up it's firmware update:
    by updating the firmware your drive just might recognize that disk!

    when you insert the disk, can you play the movie? what program do you use to play DVDs? does it work with that disk?
  4. 50first

    50first Guest

    LG Super multi rw,dvd recorder. iam using power dvd, even win media player are doing quite well. but the trouble is i just bought a dvd movie when i inserted it in the drive it was recognized as blank cd, then i tried couple of DVD movie and it was recognize it as a dvd movie only that one DVd i just recently bougth saying that it is blank cd and it was working and playing on consumer DVD player, i use JVC entertainment system and it played very well.

    but if inserted it on my dvd drive it was blank cd.. but my drive is working properly because when you insert another DVD it recognise the dvd movie as it was. exept dish damn DVD.

  5. 50first

    50first Guest

    it sounds like crazy but that the truth, i was amazed what kind of encription was done to this damn DVD.

    need help badly!!
  6. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    you still neglect to say what movie dvd this is! and where did you buy it? if it is a store bought DVD .... replace it for another one!
  7. 50first

    50first Guest

    d movie is passion of christ, i return it but they wont accept it, it not a store really , streetpeddlers.
  8. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    what do you expect from a pedler!? The disk doesn't have any encryption so to speak of! it's the disk itself! it just doesn't want to be read by your drive! either try a firmware update on it or just accept that fact that your drive doesn't like the disk! street pedler! gezzzzzz
  9. bilbo65

    bilbo65 Regular member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    Once again, you get what you pay for......:)
  10. soberfree

    soberfree Regular member

    Jul 13, 2005
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    I think jesus cast a spell on the dish so your drive can't detect it...
    Bad media..
    Last edited: May 26, 2006
  11. 50first

    50first Guest

    yah ur rigth, just bought another dvd from legit source now i have no problem. thanks for the reply.

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