Not sure if remux is right, but am very new to blu ray and looking for advice. I would like to back up my blu ray disks to my HDD and can copy them to the HDD no problem, but the prblem is then removing all the stuff except the main movie. If it is a single stream no problem. Multiple streams a problem. Ideally I would like a program which reads the Blue Ray play list for the main movie, and takes the mutiple mt2s files and makes a single mt2s file (in the right order). If compression is avalaible that is great, but I am interested in quality (as if I was woried about space I would stick to DVD's). If you could please point to a program that can do this and or a form that explains this in beginner terms it is much appreciated. Is Nero 8 a program which can do this? I apologise if this is duplicating a thread on this issue and as such if you could point me to this tread I will remove\discontinue this one. a newbie thanks.
Hi, I just saw the high defintion forum, and will close this one down. Apologise for the posing in the wrong forum.