my pc just crashed with the dreaded BSOD here is the error signature ; BCCode:1000007e BCP1:C0000005 BCP2:00000000 BCP3:F78CEA60 BCP4:F78CE75C OSVer:5_1_2600 SP:3_0 Product:256_1 any help on wot caused this or how to prevent it again will be much appreciated ...thanks in advance
A few questions: Has this happened more than once? Can the comuter boot up anymore? What are the specs on your computer? If you know how to, post your minidump file(s). That error code is usually caused by a conflict between programs or drivers. If we can pinpoint which program/driver, we can uninstall and reinstall it, or just do without.
havent a clue how to post mini dump files dont even know where thy are lol , it hasnt happened since but i heard once it happens itll keep happenin any truth in that ?
That's the general rule, but if it hasn't happened again then its probably just a fluke. I have some programs that are performance intensive (games and video editing software) and sometimes they crash and burn really hard; causing that kind of error. lol If it happens within the near future post again and we'll walk you through the steps to try and figure it out.