have windows XP and a power shut down caused my computer to shut off improperly. On power up, I get the blue screen, unmountable_boot_volume. My computer did not come with a recovery cd, so I downloaded ultimatebootcd program to help reaid the problem, as I can not start in safe mode or any other mode. I burned ultimatebootcd onto a disc and put into my PC. I changed the settings so 1st boot would be my cd drive. When I try to open windows recovery console, it says 'Starting wondows recovery console" then "Please wait", and then the blue screen. When I press F6 to to use scsi or raid drivers, all it says it that setup could not find a floppy drive on my machine to laod drivers. So how do I fix the blue screen if I can't load a disc, and a can't get into recovery console to do a scan disk?
What kind of hdd setup do you have? Single drive? RAID? You should not need drivers for a single drive.