bmw films

Discussion in 'Other video questions' started by :flood:, Dec 27, 2002.

  1. :flood:

    :flood: Guest


    i'd like to burn bmw's shortfilms (downloadable in .mov format) onto dvd. Has anyone done this or have any suggestions? i have no experience with .mov files.

  2. C0nfused

    C0nfused Guest

    If you have a DVD burner, just download TMPGEnc. If you are going to use a DVD Burner, I think you have to actually purchase TMPGEnc, because if you just download it all you get is a MPEG1 Converter. This is good for a CD Burner and blank CD-R's, but if you buy it you get the MPEG2 Converter. This is good for a DVD Burner and blank DVD-R's. Once you have converted the file into MPEG2 Format, burn it onto a DVD-R with your DVD Burner (if you have one). Now on that part with the MPEG2 converter part, I'm not sure if you have to have that for a DVD Burner. You might want to ask somebody at that knows about DVD Burners like someone at Circuit City or something.

    But I am sure about this part. If all you have is a CD burner, just download (you don't have to buy it) TMPGEnc, and then download VCDEasy (also free). TMPGEnc converts any files into the right MPEG format that VCDEasy can read. VCDEasy is a program that takes MPEG files and burns them onto a CD-R and lets you play them through your DVD Player (only if your DVD Player plays CD-R's, if it doesn't you can't watch Video Cd's through your DVD Player).

    If you need any more help, all you have to do is ask.

  3. :flood:

    :flood: Guest

    sorry, bud... guess my question was somewhat vague. yeah, i do have a dvd burner, didn't know tmpgenc handled .mov files as well. thanks, i'll give it a try :)

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