Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by bobjr, Jan 14, 2004.

  1. bobjr

    bobjr Member

    Dec 18, 2003
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    Amazingly inconsistent burning problem-

    I seem to be able to rip and burn DVD's seemingly with out a problem, however, when I play the movies on a stand alone or on the computer they can "pixelize" or freeze completely. This usually happens three quarters of the way through the movie or more. Funny thing is, it doesn't matter which software package I use to rip or burn with. I've uses Decrypter, Shrink, Nero, and Xcopy - both advanced and express. All work great until I watch the movie. I've tried several different types of media (all +RW) though admittedly they are all nonbrand names from Shop4Tech which others have used successfully. I have the same problem on two different computers so it's not likely a hardware problem. It does not happen every disk either. Some are fine but most are not. I find if I reburn them several times, I can get good copy most of the time.

    Any help would be appreciated. It's baffling.
  2. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Cheap media can definitely be very inconsistent. This may explain why you have to reburn several times to get acceptable results although it may be something to do with the burner. Ritek and Fuji both make top notch media that you may want to give a try.

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