Hey guys... Been a lurker here for some time... Ive searched and stuff for an answer to my problem but cant find any resolution... When using Imgburn to burn a dvd+r dl I try to change the booktype to dvd-rom... I follow instructions etc to do so and I even get the success message telling me the book type has been changed... However when I check the disc after burning it still says the book type is dvd+r dl... I'm at my wits end and lost... Definitely need some help... Dont know what I am doing wrong... I am using a Sony DRU-810A as my burner... Any help here would be greatly appreciated... Peace, Michael
The 810 is a rebadged phillips-benq. Is that what you're selecting. You might have to use the bitsetting utility in dvdinfopro.
i was doing this from the benq tab... which from what research i did beforehand said to do... which has only compounded my frustration further... lol... will cehck out the program you mentioned... dont know much about it though...
select the drive at the bottom in the dropdown menu then click on the disc on the top that says dvd+rw. Set booktype to dvd-rom.
I have an NEC-3550A and I can't change the booktype either. I've tried DvdInfoPro and ImgBurn. It still shows DVD+R as the booktype.
NEC's are not booktype ready except for dvd+r DL media. To booktype dvd+r dvd5's to dvd-rom, it needs to be flashed with some modified firmware. Here's a link to liggy's and dee's f/w http://liggydee.cdfreaks.com/page/3550/ You need the latest vs of bitsetting f/w for the 3550.
Nero's CD-DVD Speed program will also set the booktyping for many drives including the Sony 810 series. This is what I have used for my 810UL......
NEC can booktype straight out of the box, but there are no tools bundled with the drive to do this...you will need another program such as Imgburn, DVD Decrypter or Nero to bitset the drive for you.
I meant the NEC straight out of the box and even with the latest official firmware cannot booktype DVD+R SL. It can only booktype +R DL