You can only booktype +R media whether it be single layer or dual layer media. What is the make and model of your burner as only certain burners will booktype?
Lite-ons booktype here is lots of info and what you can use. This should get you started. Also you can do it using Nero just go into the NeroInfo Tool and choose the setting for your drive. Or you can try this program it is free if you choose the version with adverts although it will expire every now and then, but it will allow you to set it and forget it, whereas with the other programs you will have to set it again after you turn your computer off and on again.
well my burner does not support booktyp'n. aprecciate the info. u save me alot of headaches of try'n 2 figure out what i was doing wrong.
Which model EZ Dub do you have, usually lite-on burners support booktyping. This is a review on the 1635, but I believe the 1673 does it too.
i have the 1673, & i downloaded the "lite on bit setting utility v1.3.5" but it wont let me change the book type. its greyed out.
Here is a thread where they discuss your drive over at CDFreaks, it is recent maybe it will provide some more info. The discussion was on the booktyping and I believe that this drive should be able to do this. I will see if I can get some more info on this today.