Can someone please tell me where i acan get one of theses, and how much would they cost????? I am told one of these would sort out my starview box freezing problem!!!!!
You can get fairly cheap ones in Maplins, just ask for a digital tv rf booster. Have you updated your SV lately and have you tried it from the main feed
Just bought the starview box mate,bought 3 together all running 4.0.... Regarding trying it from the main feed, never thought of that....
Are these b0xes genuine . cos if they are clone v4 will kill them You will get a problem if you are using a splitter and the signal is not strong enough , so try it from your main feed ( Living room etc )
I believe they are clones mate, had a few though, firmware was already on, had no problems, apart from trying to install the one I am talking about...... Regarding the main feed mate, the brown box it a the front of the house, but the living room is at the back of the house, thats why there is such a long run of cable from the main feed.... Any ideas would be appreciated.....
You will need to know if you have a clone or genuine Count the vents on top 18x7 = Clone 25x7 = Genuine Also you can go here to see some pics You will need version 4.00 firmware for GENUINES found in "Starvi*w" firmware folder. You will need version 2.57_FIXED firmware for CLONES found in "Starvi*w" firmware folder.
Defo clones mate, with 4.0 firmware...... Mate had one a while now as well, no bother... But that would not affect my ongoing problem though would it mate???
It sure would , and you deffo need to take v4 off and put the 2.57_FIXED on them or they wont last much longer