I've got the softmod installed but every time I turn my xbox on it boots to the ms dashboard clock. The only way I can get to evox is by going back to the game save and booting it from the file manager. How can I make evox boot first?
did you make sure you had the 5960 dashboard??because if not it will boot to that ms dash with the clock everytime.....i would remove the softmod and make a profile for halo 2 on your xbox..it will update the dashboard itself....also did you pick the dual boot option??
Yes I made it dual boot. I'm going to check and see if my dashboard version is the problem. I checked and I have dashboard 5960. What else could be causing this?
pressing the eject button will boot to the ms dash and pressing the power button will boot to the modded dash....make sure you dont unplug you xbox for a while and the dual boot option wont work if you dont already have an xbox live account made.....
I know all of that but when I press the power button it asks me to set the clock everytime for some reason.
I finally got it to work by using king roach's ndure installer. Worked like a charm. There should be a tutorial on this site for that because it was by far the easiest to use.
That's what I used the first time but for some reason it didn't want to work. To each his own though.