Is this possible. the tuts that i have found online only work for chipped boxes. Any help is aprechiated. I just spent the last seven hours fixing my xbox because of that stupid tutorial. Thnx BTW v1.1 xbox with unleashx dashboard 250gb hdd
so you still have unleash as a default dashboard. Did you download and extract xbmc on PC? if so, ftp it to APPS folder on E drive. Then on unleash goto file manager => E:\apps\xbmc\ => click on default.xbe to load xbmc.
Thanks for the reply, but i can get into the media center. I'm wondering if instead of loading the dash can you simply go straight to the media center? As if it was your dash?? or maybe just autorun the .xbe for xbmc in a command when unleash boots?? i dont know... -D-
ok you have to put it in the same fodlder as ur ms dash(or what ever you have booting) and name it whatever the ms dash is called i foreget the name ur ms dash somthing so you no what it is and reboot
when i did that "putting it in the same folder as the unleash dash" it just gave me some errors. I think it has something to do with the fact that media center rel 1.9.9 or the latest one doesnt reference to a home dir anymore. they took that feature out of the .xml so at this point i dont know where to go -D-
I didnt delete unleash, i moved the xbe so that it wouldnt boot. That is what caused me to have to fix the xbox. Has anyone ever hit the power button on a softmodded xbox and gone straight to the xbmc?? I honestly think it has to be someone who is familiar with the xbox unleashx dash, if that file is moddified to call another program (xbmc.xbe in this case) it would skip the dash intro and you wouldnt have to moddify your boot sequence. Just a thought. So i guess the question is who knows how to change the unleashx xbe??? -Aristotle-
hey, i downloded xbmc extracted it...put it in E://Apps/XBMC/ and now i cant find a default.xbe the closest i can find is xbelogo and its a folder with the save images in it????????????? so i was wondeering how i get into it (i downloaded xbmc v.1.1)