Boot Up Problem

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by danmax, Jun 28, 2008.

  1. danmax

    danmax Member

    Nov 30, 2005
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    Hey everyone. Long story but try not to laugh. I have a German Shepard, I use one of my computers for burn's and wiping hard drives. I had the left side off a few days after some wipes, and my dog Buddy took a leak on the tower. Well 3 days later I tried to boot up and as windows came on screen it would re boot.I got another A7N8X ASUS board w/cpu & fan on eBay. Nice fan, cpu's good but no video. I took out my ATI, and replaced with a FX gforce card same problem. I figured out my HDD was bad. Now my first board is formating a new HDD but the one I just bought is still no video. Problem with this board is no onboard video and you need to stay at 1.5 volts on the card. I tried 3 P.S.'s, 2 HDD's installed new memory and tried that. Cleared CMOS, and new battery.I need to know, is it the begining of the end for this"kick ass board" like the guy said, or am I missing something. Board looks great, and I tried a POST tester that came up clean. Maybe Buddy shoult take a leak on it.
  2. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I'm only not going to lampoon you for this because it was a German shepherd... they're awesome. :)

    As for the board - your system works with the old board, but not with the new one? If there's no video having only changed one component, and the board never had onboard video and you've cleared the CMOS, the new board is probably bad. Negative comment time! :S
  3. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    disconnect all cables to drives. remove all cards & ram except for videocard & 1 stick of ram, reseat those 2. are all the silver topped can shaped objects which are capacitors flat topped & not domed or leaking brown stuff from top? try the board out of the case.
  4. bluoysclt

    bluoysclt Guest

    Yeah if the moderators suggestion does not work you may want to move on to another board.
    You may end up spending more money to fix this board.just a suggestion. good luck.

  5. danmax

    danmax Member

    Nov 30, 2005
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    Thanks everyone, I was lucky my HDD was bad so my old computer is up and running and guy from eBay is refunding board price. Seagate is going to replace it. But now I found a eMachine with a micro atx board, the cpu fan shuts down anywhere from 1 minute to 15 minutes. I'd like to replace the board because I think thats what is wrong,the cpu is a celeron 2,7ghz. I can pickup a newer board and cpu but need to figure out if the header pins on new board will work with case plug. I'll try and burn a cd to id the board and maybe get lucky and find the board manu. The emachine is a T2792 if someone knows who made the board.
  6. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    The board appears to be made by emachines themselves - branded as the 'Imperial GV"

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