I have never bought a heatsink by itself and when I received this one... there is a perfect rectangular patch of white stuff on the bottom of it. Is this thermal compound, the TC I'm used to is grey and is applied on the CPU, not the heatsink. This white stuff feels like wet paint and can come off. Should I leave it on there AND apply the TC to the CPU?
it's contamination.. you don't ned it ai all.. scrape it off with a knife making sure to scratch up the bottom of the heatsink.. ensure it and your cpu are totally free of any of it, then bolt it on.. *grins* thermal grease foo.. google it!!
What heatsink is it? Is it brand new? Provide some details. I cant recall what it is(lack of sleep sorry) but yes you do want to take it off, but Id use your thumbnail if possible. Dont want to scratch up you heatsink badly. Then apply thermal paste of your Choice, Arctic Silver 5 and Shin-Etsu X23 are the best.
Don't laugh.... I went the cheapo route and went through ebay : http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250537834606&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT 6 bux!!! woohoo!!! lol....
Oh gawd...I remember that awfull heatsink...it would not even cool the single core that it came with...even with the case side off. It had a nice delta fan that I kept...but the rest went into the trash.