So I've got the bowsers inside story problem with the acekard 2i on the dsi. Using 1.4U and the acekard is updated to the 1.4u fix I've tried the patch myself and have downloaded a prepatch but no luck. Also I used the action replay code using the ds cheatcode editor, I turned on the cheat but it didn't work. Anything else I can try?
Update the firmware, the 1.4U fix is just the Kernal, I believe the latest loaders will sort this out
I do have the latest firmware. 4.17 I was actually wondering if I put akaio on it if that would do anything. Is that worth trying? (also to install akaio I just replace the acekard firmware files with akaio right?)
Oh, wait, nevermind. I switched to akaio and it works perfectly now. So what are any disadvantages to using akaio instead of the official?