Box 4 usb wont scan sky 1

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by pups, Sep 1, 2009.

  1. pups

    pups Member

    May 31, 2007
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    Hi all,

    My box usb wont scan sky 1 and some of the kids channels. I have a standard starview upstairs and have all channels up there. Frequency for sky 1 is 115.000 but when i put this in downstairs and do a mannual scan it says no channels found. I have been through all the channels othat i have and it is just not there.

    Any ideas guys?
  2. hooter007

    hooter007 Regular member

    Dec 20, 2008
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    have you tried to install the channels on the cable upstairs, also if you are using splitters that can block out some channels and can weaken the signal in other rooms,
    Do a factory reset make sure you the latest firmware on your box,
    and put your cable direct from the wall port into the back of your box (no splitters) and scan in manually first then try an automatic scan from your cable provider,
    also splitters dont have to be on the inside of your house as when you have multiroom ports the splitters can be on the outside of your house as that is the way some providers set up your cable!
    PS: check what your signal and quality is on your box as a booster box maybe needed if you have cable going to 2 or more rooms

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