plug coaxial into tv first to see if you have any channels in case breakdown in service,check all connections as well.
just done a default load on the codes nofin happened so i re-entred the normally one from key master an still nofin?
it could be a key change. i get channels 1,2,3 etc but they take a while to come on all other channels say bad or scrambled (T1)
do you have any channels on box or tv,you could try a factory reset and auto scan and emu to on,cant see that many channels moving frequency in one go.
just done it not finding any channels. it will have to wait till 2morrow am to tired to care anymore. thanks for your help
help i updated sv1 last week all was fine had a storm now no channels at all ive updated it the same way i did before several times but it still isnt working any help welcome