box not playing backups

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by icesoul, Oct 20, 2006.

  1. icesoul

    icesoul Member

    Oct 10, 2006
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    been trying to make some WORKING backups for days now. all im getting is unknown disc on my xbox. I FTP from the disc to the PC. all the files are there and everything matches per the disc. i have tried craxation and quix to create my iso's. which are patches successfully and created without a hitch. i burn the iso to a DVD-R Verbatim disc @8x speed. Ive tried 3 copies of the last game and have had no luck. unknown disc is all i get.
    here is what i do know, the game files on the PC are okay, the xbox can read verbatim disc's, have 2 other successful backups that work fine. the ISO seems 100% fine and the dvd burner seems fine (since it made other game backups) what am i doing wrong besides not just buying a new HDD for my xbox that has tons of space on it? :/
    what is going wrong here? please help me out, im pretty frustrated.

    edit: > could this have anything to do with the mode my SmartFTP client is in? binary transfer, passive mode, ascii, auto modes are available.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2006
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    usually has to do with media, but since your using verbatim i dunno,what program are you burning with????
    try to burn at 2x or 4x 8 is too fast,what game is this exactly?and why are you patching the iso files just use qwix and create a ready to burn game...
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2006
  3. icesoul

    icesoul Member

    Oct 10, 2006
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    ive used both qwix and craxation to patch but neither worked. im using dvd decryptor to burn. ive burnt a few on max accidently that worked okay, the disc said 16x so i had read 1/2 that should be okay. im trying to copy MK armageddon. im going to try one of my other non working copies in another box just to see. it has to either be the burning process or the iso itself i guess..

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