I got a box off someone that was softmodded ( not sure with what) but I did not like how they had done it so I done a C restore to get it back to how it should be. After this was done i copied the SID installer file to my xbox and the splinter cell profile soI could mod it again, I load up the linux profile in the game and all is well, I select the check point screen and double click twice (as instructed in the tutorial on this site) but this does nothing and my box freezes. this keeps doing it and i have no idea why. Has anyone come across this before or know what is going wrong?
yeah i was gonna leave it but then i thought why not just take it off and put on a soft mod that i know so done that. I will look for another linux file and try again.
Did you follow that tutor too? If yes, then some thing wrong in the hdd. Unless you uninstall all softmod and reinstall again.
i have managed to get the soft mod menu up ( had to delete my splinter cell gamesaves and content for some reason or the box just froze) but now when i go to back up ms it doesnt let me. I get an error message saying 'modded files' action = delete. I have got rid of the files that i know are modded but do you have any idea what files come on the standard HDD as i do not have a back up of one of these :-(
Oh shit. You always have to back up your eeprom on E and MSdash on C. I thought that you did when you do the hotswap. The ms dash you can download. IF you lost the eeprom, then you are really need modchip.
All this softmodding rubbish is getting on my nerves now, am just gonna get a chip and be done with it