Brain teasers for those with some extra time

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ScubaPete, Dec 21, 2004.

  1. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Questions to Ponder

    1. A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms.

    The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in three years. Which room is safest for him?

    2. A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over five minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But five minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be?

    3. There are two plastic jugs filled with water. How could you put all of this water into a barrel, without using the jugs or any dividers, and still tell which water came from which jug?

    4. What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away?

    5. Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?

    6. This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so plain you would think nothing is wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual
    though. Study it, and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out.
    scroll down

    Scroll Down


    1. The third room - Lions that haven't eaten in three years are dead.

    2. The woman was a photographer. She shot a picture of her husband, developed it, and hung it up to dry.

    3. Freeze them first. Take them out of the jugs and put the ice in the barrel. You will be able to tell which water came from which jug.

    4. The answer is Charcoal.

    5. Sure you can: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow!

    6. The letter "e", which is the most common letter in the English language, does not appear once in the long paragraph.

    Gee now, wasn't that an interesting way to waste some precious time ? The best I did was + 4.
  2. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    a waste of precious time, but entertaining none the less!
  3. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    i thought i had some inane posts pete,but this ones up there with them as well.

    i see you have more spare time than me

    catchya next year

  4. squizzle

    squizzle Active member

    Apr 19, 2004
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    I only got #5 right. I guess I'm not as smart as I thought I was.
  5. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    maybe you could answer this:

    what do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?
  6. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    non existance
  7. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    try this one in which only 1 person in a class passed an exam on this question "why". what is answer??? & i know what it is!
  8. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    i admit it i'm not as smart as you.

    But heres another:

    if you spin an oriental man in a circle 3 times does he become disorientated
  9. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    no & what is the answer
  10. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    @ Andy,

    The chances are you will have 2 of the 5 food groups so the answer is: A. Have Dinner, the final answer !

    (It only shpws you shouldn't ask a question of someone who has entirely too much time on his hands.)
  11. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    actually i wasnt trying to be smart i wanted an answer but you see i came across this piece of paper with all these wonderful questions or should i say statements on it and as you guys are so much smarter than me i thought to myself heres the bunch of guys to see if they can come up with some inventive answers.

    Hey pete what you mean ANDY!!!!!!!!

    aNY HOO heres some off the list

    1.Dont sweat the petty things and dont pet the sweaty things

    (already answered)(9 more to go)
    3. what if there were no hypothetical questions

    4.if some-one with multiple personalities threatens to kill them self,is it considered a hostage situation

    5 if a deaf person swears, does his parents wash his hands with soap

    6 where do forest rangers go to get away from it all

    7 if a turtle doesnt have a shell ,is he naked or homeless

    8 can vegetarians eat animal crackers

    9 if the police arrest a mime,do they tell him he has the right to remain silent

    and finally

    10. what was the best thing before sliced bread
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2005
  12. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    #2. man didn't evolve from apes we diverged from apes which is why both are still here instead of just us
  13. bklyn1028

    bklyn1028 Regular member

    Nov 11, 2004
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    26 ready
    a prison, the warden gets 3 inmates, puts them in a cell with 5 hats, 3 white, 2 black. he blindfolds all of them, and puts a hat on each one. . puts the second guy behind the first, the third guy behind the second. the blindfolds come off. Here is the question, the warden tells them if they can figure out what color hat they are wearing, and they have to state how they came to the answer of how they are wearing that hat they can go free, if they guess they have to go to the gas chamber. The third guy can see the backs of the first and second. the second guy can see the back of the first, and the first can see no one. The last guy, (sees the first and second) says he can't tell what hat he is wearing.The second (guy in the middle) says he can't tell what he is wearing, But, the first guy not only tells what hat he is wearing, but how he concluded the answer.
  14. bklyn1028

    bklyn1028 Regular member

    Nov 11, 2004
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    the key isn't just to guess what color he has on, but how you achieved the answer. by the way if they guess and guess wrong, they go to the gas chamber. this is a fabulous puzzle.

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