Just got a starview 2 for a pressie for someone and I've plugged it in so I can have all the channels scanned and sorted but nothing's happening. I've checked all the leads and they're perfect. All it's doing is showing those dash lights moving across the front. What's happening? I've another one here for a neighbour but I don't want to open the box till I've sorted this one. Any helkp appreciated.
That sounds like it was a bad flash. Make sure you put the box on Stand-By when flashing , if you cant do it again try this bad flash guide If you have a Bad Flash with software have a Read of This might help If you have a bad flash, switch it off then on at the back & make sure its on standby. Then Flash as normal. This also applies to flashing (up & downloading) the channel data file. If for some reason you cannot flash and have set and checked everything else such as ports and connections, then you should switch off at the back wait a moment then on again. Then try to flash again. If for some reason it won't go into standby and you see a constant moving green line. you may want to wait to see if it goes into standby or switches on eventually or re-flash from this state though it may not work. Some users have reported that flashing an older firmware 1st that was working, then trying again may help. If your flash has failed or corrupted try again but 1st flash back the firmware that was on before your failed flash. Re download the firmware just in case you had a corrupted file then try again. If you do flash from the moving green line state at boot, you will see the % increase on the GTRom loader software but not on the Starview. Toward the end of the flash you'll see a Flash Burning message in GTRom. Make sure you wait until all is finished and you see the Download complete pop up message in GTRom. Another method you can use to recover from a bad flash, eg. the box won't boot to standby and is stuck in pre standby, either after about 3 or 4 moving green lines the box sticks with the green line not moving at all or it keeps moving forever. If the box will NOT RE-FLASH as normal from on or standby, try this but it may take a few goes to work. Connect the box to the pc with your cable but switch it off at the back. Load the correct firmware bin file into GTRom & set it to the correct com port, and select App file only then hit Download. Only then switch on at the back to power on the box. It may take a few sec. so wait at least 30 sec. (If it doesn't work 1st time try also waiting a couple of sec. to switch on after pressing download in the loader.) It may take more than 1 try to work, but eventually you'll see the loader kick in and the % bar increase. You won't see the % on the Starview though. Only green lines moving left to right. Towards the end of the flash you'll see a message in GTRom saying FLASH BURNING. Then it will reach 100% and wait for the download complete pop up box to appear & the box will reboot back to factory setup. You will have lost any channel data previously on the box & will need to rescan & switch on EMU and set the box up from scratch. If you don't know the state of the box switch it on see what happens see if there already has been a channel scan done before-meaning there are channels on it working or not. If so tune to an unencrypted channel as above then standby then re-flash.
Cheers for your replies. I have a nmormal SV that I'm happy with but bought two of The Box (SV2), one for ANOTHER neighbour and one for a Christmas pressie. Tried the second SV2 and it's working perfect. As soon as I switched it on at the front it said ON. The first box is just a continuous green flashing row of dashes that wont stop. I've just emailed the seller but really can't be bothered posting it back for a replacement if I can sort this myself. I don't know what firmware goes on this, (or what's supposed to be on it,) and there was no disc with it. If it's possible to sort myself can you point me to the correct software in case I muck it up with the wrong starview stuff. Thanks again.
Hi This should help sort you out. To put the latest firmware on your box you'll need a null modem cable DB9F to DB9F. You can get info on the cable here: http://www.maplin.co.uk/Search.aspx?criteria=L71BT&DOY=2m6 If your pc does not have a serial port you will need a USB to serial port adapter to use in conjunction with the null modem cable. USB Adapter info http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?Modu...erial Adaptor These two cable links are only for reference as they can be purchased alot cheaper on fleabay. All firmware can be found here : http://eko.4shared.com/ click on the folder relevent to your type of box i.e original Starview or The Box each type of box has it's own folder containing the software for it. Another tip, you should download the Starview PDF guide this will give you step by step instructions on how to do everything.This can be found in the Starview Documentation folder in the link. Originally posted by another forum member or Mod.?(Thanks to whoever) jbvid
You'll need to put version 4.50 for The Box if you're in Ireland or version 4.51 if you're in the UK.
There are later versions of software than those, which fix the bugs which were present (greeen screen crash etc)
Okay, I've justflashed it with 4.51. The green lights kept flashing across the wee window right up till the end but now the box says on. Should that be it fixed, or should I re-flash again to make sure?
I have it attached to the TV doing a scan at the minute. All seems to be okay. It's still saying ON but I'm only half way through the scan. I flashed it the way you said. i.e. Waited till the last second before switching it on. The green lights keps moving till the download was right at the end. Fingers crossed it's okay but if it isn't I'll reflash, THEN it'll be right, I hope. Thanks for your help.
Hi, just popped back to say all's well with the boxes. Both of them. The faulty one worked first time when I re-flashed it and I've been all afternoon getting the menu sorted (I hate that part)and storing it on the PC for future use. Thanks again for all your help ladies. See ya.