Is it possible to brick your DS using these flash carts? I didn't think so but then some of the posts here and other places make me wonder. I read about blown fuses, etc. I know there is a warning somewhere about not taking out a cartridge with the unit on. Can that mess up the DS even it's a commercial game cartridge? I think my 3yo has taken out GBA cartridges while the machine was on with no effects but she doesn't know how to do the DS ones. Just trying to know what I'm dealing with. I was thinking these were pretty safe since you weren't writing anything to the memory of the DS? Thanks for any insight, simply curious mbs
I think it probably is technically possible, (there is/was a virus thing that was supposed to be able to do something) but in the course of regular usage and play it isn't anything I would worry about. Dedicated gaming consoles tend to be fairly robust in terms of if they get confused you can just turn them off and turn them on and everything is factory again. Taking a commercial cart out in mid game would be more likely to mess up your saved game on the cart then to mess up the DS I would guess.
I don't think so because as I understand it, you have to physically access and short two pins to put the ROM in service/write mode. I don't think it can be overridden in software.
BTW, blown fuses don't consitute "bricking". A blown fuse is a reaction to a abnormal voltage/current condition and is usually caused by defective hardware or physical damage. Don't confuse this with "bricking", which is a non-operational state caused by a modification to the operating system. Using a flashcart does not modify the NDS operating system.
Add the word normally in there, and in "does not normally modify" and I agree. My post simply stated that I think there are ways to modify the NDS system software either intentionally or unintentionally however difficult or eay they may be, but as I also stated I don't think this is anything the OP need worry about.