I'm running my fairly new laptop with vista (hp pavilion), and I ran into a weird little problem. As I was playing a video and trying to move while running to an external display, the video went to a bright black and white color. Now it wont go away and the same goes all videos on my pc. Re-installing drivers nor rebooting the system seem to have no effect, nor fidling with display properties. I'm truly at a loss and any ideas/solutions are more than welcome
Well, the problem was solved. Re-install whole bleeding windows. But as to the effects of now gone problem, everything worked just fine, only videos of any kind were sort of overexposed & grey. Don't wanna use the term black and white, that would imply the image was recognizable. The effect didn't just limit itself to video players, but to games also. Truly no idea as to why, nor how to fix if it persists in the future. So if 'n when somebody figures out why, post it on the forums, thank you very kindly.