
Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by andy15, May 19, 2005.

  1. andy15

    andy15 Regular member

    Oct 9, 2003
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    since formatting my hard drive and reinstalling xo i am haveing net problems on my computer rather the page takes ages to open or it just says page can not be displayed on anyweb site. i have 512 broadband connected to a dlink router also the net works perfectley on the other computer in the house connected to the router so it most be some problem with this any help please
  2. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    I assume when you are talking about your router, you are talking about the ADSL modem built in to it.

    Have you double checked that your PC is configured correctly to use the ADSL modem?

    Is it configured to obtain an IP from the router (DHCP enabled on the router) or statically set on your PC?

    If it is static on your PC, then you need to make sure the gateway IP is the same as the ADSL/Router IP address.

    Which DLINk is that you are using and also operating system?
  3. andy15

    andy15 Regular member

    Oct 9, 2003
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    There is no adsl router built in. i have a webstar modem plugged in to the router 2 computers plugged in to the router 1 works fine mine dont as the pages either take ages or say page can not be displayed i have formated and reinstaled loadfs off times without problems just strugleing now 512k broad band shoulkd be fast at the moment i may as well use dial up as it takes ages.

    useing windows xp home
    mcaffe firewall (also tryed removeing the firewall to make sure was't that.)

    done virus and spyware ad aware scans just won't work right
  4. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    Not familiar with this type of configuration.
    However there are some basic checks we can do.

    Do both machines require the modem drivers installing, if so are they?

    How are you obtaining/configuring the IP addresses to the PC's/router/Modem?

    Standard topology will require your outlet to the internet to have a gateway (central point) that both PC's need to go through in order to connect, this gateway has an IP address, and I would assume that the gateway would need to be the modem, this IP would need to input into the gateway window of your ethernet configuration under TCP/IP protocol for your NIC's on each PC.

    It appears that it maybe the gateway that is incorrectly set.

    Do both PC's see each other on the LAN, in Network neighbourhood?
    Have both PC's IP addresses been input into the modem configuration?
    Have both PC's IP addresses been assigned via the routers DHCP, or statically assigned?


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